Callmart is a free, handy mobile application for selling your knowledge and skills with a phone call. Make a listing for your service on Callmart, then share it to select people or to the entire world!
Callmart is useful for anyone. A professional who does consultations with clients? Create a listing for your clients and charge them easily with Callmart. A freelancer? List your services, then wait for the thousands of people browsing the marketplace to call!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Women have to deal with sexism and discrimination in the workplace. We know you're sick of it! Become your own boss by selling your knowledge and skills on Callmart. Create a listing, set your fee, and share!
You'll want to set your own fees for your services, of course. When creating a listing with Callmart, you're free to choose however much you'd like to charge for your services per minute!
To make a listing, Callmart requires you to create a title and description. Make sure to include all the important information about your services to maximize buyer potential!
Women can share their listings with potential callers on social media, blogs, websites, messaging apps - the possibilities are endless! Callmart provides a unique URL for each listing that is easily shared.
You can set your Callmart listings to private, so that only those with the unique URL are able to call it. This is great for personalizing listings for specific buyers.
Social media's a great way to share your listing, if you're looking to gather buyers globally instead. Use Callmart's share function to post your unique URL on your social media profiles! Also, if you publish your listing, it will appear on Callmart's global marketplace.
Payment is immediately and automatically sent to your Callmart account after you or your caller hangs up. No need to wait or take any action!
To provide you with the best services, Callmart takes 3% from you and your buyer as a service fee. Stripe, the third-party system in charge of the secure transactions, takes a small fee as well.
Want to spend your hard-earned Callmart cash? Apply for a payout directly on the app, and get your earnings transfered to your bank account.
We hope this article about Callmart was useful! Callmart matches women with anyone through fee-charging communication. Now are you ready to get money with Callmart? Download it for free right now!