
Influential YouTubersHandpicked by the Callmart editorial desk

End-Time Youth is for sure one of our top picks on YouTube for the fact that anyone can enjoy this content. The YouTubers' Archive is thrilled to include End-Time Youth in our list of 2,000+ superb YouTubers.

End-Time Youth


Total Views6,581,034

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Channel Description

Our mission is a simple one; proclaim the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Yahshua the Messiah). We take to heart what Jude urged our forefathers to do over 2,000yrs ago... "Earnestly contend for THE FAITH that was once delivered to the saints". We believe TRUTH is worth fighting for and as we draw closer to the catching away of the Bride of Christ, Satan's attacks will only increase and by the Grace of our Sovereign Father we will face all apostasy and false teachings head on with our sword (THE WORD) drawn. The world we live in provides so many things that can confuse and lead astray us all; but more so the young people. That is why this ministry was created, to help the youth understand what their Heavenly Father requires of His children and to help them progress in their relationship with Him and to grow in the knowledge of THE TRUTH. We also have chosen to be a satellite channel. We work with others to help spread videos that need to be seen by the masses.

From the YouTube channel’s "about" page.

Comments by Callmart:

・End-Time Youth is making stunning videos that you have to see to believe!

・We can't get enough of the content being produced on the End-Time Youth channel! Even with their regular uploads, we still find ourselves wanting more as soon as a video finishes playing.

Callmart's Color Choice

The color that our editorial team chose for
End-Time Youth is... Powder Blue

Powder Blue is a Blue color,
which means this YouTuber is...Reliable

Recommended Videos

Selected by the Callmart editorial department
Created by End-Time Youth

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Callmart with End-Time Youth

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