Callmart is a marketplace for communication that enables you to make money by sharing your knowledge and skill with people from all around the world. Start your journey to make money by downloading the app for free!
Using Callmart, dermatologists can connect with existing and potential clients from all around the world.
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
Dermatologists have a plethora of specialized knowledge that takes years and years of experience and education to achieve. You can use your industry expertise to make money during your free time, such as in-between patient appointments. Create a Callmart listing so you can charge your clients when they want to reach out to you for a consultation!
When creating your listing, you have the freedom of setting the price for your services on a per minute basis, and this can always be adjusted whenever you want.
Always pay extra attention to your title and description. A creative and well-thought-out title is often the deciding factor for potential buyers when they see your listing on the marketplace. Also, make your description as easy as possible to further improve how your listing appears to the rest of the world.
In order to save more time and effort, you can use Callmart's share URL feature to notify your clients and everyone about your new Callmart listing. This URL is unique to your listing and can be shared anywhere on the Internet within just seconds after listing creation!
Leverage Callmart's share feature by promoting your services across all social media platforms - after all, it's what most people are using on a daily basis. If your service is directed towards a particular individual and you don't want your listing to be on the marketplace, just toggle your listing to private.
Attracting more attention is always great for business, so make sure to use Callmart's share feature to provide the rest of the world with easy access to your knowledge!
Payments on Callmart are hassle-free and risk-free: each minute of a call is charged automatically, making the process of getting paid as easy as ending your call. Once your call has ended, you'll see your earnings on the app instantaneously!
In order for a secure and convenient payment experience, Callmart uses Stripe, a trusted third party payment processing provider, who charges a small fee for every transaction. Callmart, on the other hand, only takes 3% of the earnings from your call, to improve and keep our services continuing.
If you've reached a point where you want to payout your money on Callmart, you can do so with ease by requesting a payout to your bank account.
Callmart matches dermatologists with client through fee-charging online communications.