If you happen to be a non-English speaker who is seeking ways to make money using your language skills, this article was written for you. By utilizing your language skills and free time, you can make money at home in a creative way.
Callmart is a free, useful and extremely user-friendly app that provides non-english speakers with the tools to make money from home by using their smartphone.
By downloading the app, any type of non-english speaker can create listings for services they want to provide from home by publishing it to the Callmart marketplace, or sharing it with anyone they wish!
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
First off, create a Callmart listing. What you want to sell is of course entirely up to you (as long as it doesn't violate our terms of use). For example, you could give at home lessons to non-english speakers on Callmart. Have fun and test out any idea you have. This will be the start of a flexible job at home for you.
While you're creating your listing, take extra measures to pick a good picture and title for your listing - it often results in getting more views for your listing on the marketplace. Also, keep your description brief but informative. You can achieve this with the effective use of bullet points, for example.
The fee per minute of your listing can be adjusted on the price drop-down menu. You can either choose from one of the pre-existing prices displayed on the menu, or customize your own fee per minute if you wish. You can always go back to your listing at a later time to change your fee per minute if you're not getting enough calls.
Non-English speakers at home can easily advertise their service on Callmart by using the share listing feature. This presents you with a URL unique to your listing and shareable anywhere within minutes after creating your listing. You can efficiently advertise your listing by targeting certain sites sites to post on - for example, language learning groups on Facebook, or doing a search on your own with language-related hashtags on Twitter.
Not only Callmart supports transactions in 135 currencies of the world, it also comes in 6 languages at the moment: English, French, German, Japanese, Korea and Spanish. Why don’t you share your knowledge with the world and learn new things about yourself and the rest of the world at the same time?
Every single call on the app is automatically charged in one minute increments, meaning that you receive your money on the app as soon as a call ends between you and your buyer. All your past struggles with late payments are gone!
The global diversity of the app's marketplace offers an unparalleled experience for any Non-English speaker that is interested in a job at home. Switch your listing to public or private depending on your own situation. Publishing your listing on the marketplace will make it public to all users globally who are browsing the app.
In order to keep improving our services, Callmart charges just a 3% service fee for every transaction. There is also a separate fee that Stripe, Callmart's third party online payment processing provider, charges as well.
Even if you've just got a moment to spare, you can turn that time into money by using Callmart. All you've got to do is speak on the phone, get paid, then transfer your earnings to your bank account whenever you like. It's super simple.
Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects non-english speakers with language student through charged phone communications.