Callmart is a practical, free mobile application for selling your services international by phone. All you need to do is make a listing for your services and/or skills, then share that listing with already-existing and potential customers!
Need a way to charge clients for your consultations over the phone? Looking to freelance using your skills? Callmart's the solution to all this!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Podcasters are becoming more and more popular, meaning they're gaining fans. Many definitely want to talk to you and would pay to do so! Give advice and share your wisdom with fans using Callmart. Make a listing, set your fee, and share!
Have fun deciding how much money you want to charge for your services, since Callmart lets you choose exactly how much your services will cost per minute!
Each Callmart listing has a title and description. Crank those creative gears to make a catchy title and description, as these are the first things a potential buyer will see!
Podcasters can share their listings using the unique URLs Callmart generates for every listing. Simply paste the URL into your podcast's description, or on your website!
Share your unique URL automatically on the Callmart app with one tap, or copy the URL and send it to whoever you want to! Additionally, the private listing function means you can create custom listings tailored for your buyers that only they can access.
If you're looking to gain an international crowd of buyers, use Callmart's social media sharing function! If you set your listing as public instead of private, it will be published on the Callmart's marketplace for the whole world to call.
You just finished speaking to your adoring fan! Now watch as the payment automatically enters your Callmart account, immediately after the call is over.
Callmart takes a small, 3% service fee to keep our services running. In addition, the third-party transaction system Stripe will also take a small fee for their secure transactions.
Payout time! Get your earnings transferred into your bank account directly through the Callmart app.
We hope this article about Callmart was useful! Callmart matches podcasters with fans through fee-charging communication. Now are you ready to make money with Callmart? Download it for free right now!