The career of a graphic designer is a rollercoaster - your success is sometimes determined by things out of your control, like luck and connections. If you're looking for a way to make more money on the side without having to change your current job, we'll provide you with the perfect freelance solution.
Callmart is a free, useful and extremely user-friendly app that provides graphic designers with the tools to make money freelancing by using their smartphone.
By downloading the app, any type of graphic designer can create listings for services they want to provide as a freelancer by publishing it to the Callmart marketplace, or sharing it with anyone they wish!
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
As soon as the app is downloaded on your phone, create a Callmart listing for your freelance job. Be as imaginative as you want with what you want to freelance. (Examples of what graphic designers can sell on Callmart: industry advice for people worldwide, how to use different design softwares, etc.)
Extra care should be taken into making the description, photo, and title for your listing as insightful as possible. Your title shouldn't be a simple phrase about your job occupation; it should be about you as a person! Also, try your best to keep your description short in length but as informative and easy to comprehend as possible. This will boost the calls you'll get from interested buyers!
While creating your listing, don't be too conscious of the price per minute - you can always change the price after creating your listing, so gauge how many people contact you first, and then modify your price based on that. IF you're unsure with what price to start, pick from one of the suggestions displayed on the price menu.
Callmart's share feature enables graphic designers to market their services easily. Click 'share' after you create your listing - the app will display a special URL for your listing that you can share anywhere on the Internet. Save yourself time by using this feature to share your freelance listing on popular sites like Reddit and LinkedIn!
If you're interested in being closer to the rest of the world from wherever you are, Callmart is the app for you. Available in 6 commonly spoken languages and offering transaction support for over 135 currencies, the possibilities for you to interact with people worldwide and make money are limitless.
The great thing about Callmart is that you get paid instantly after a call has ended with a buyer of your listing. All calls on the app are automatically charged in 1 minute increments, so all the risk and inconvenience of payments are eliminated.
The marketplace on Callmart provides graphic designers with the perfect platform to make money from a self-created freelance job. Publishing your listing on the marketplace will allow access to anyone around the world using Callmart to buy your listing, while private listings are for cases where you want to provide a service to a specific person.
A service fee of 3% is what we charge for every call, and we use this to keep our services running and better with every single day. We use Stripe as our third party online payment processing provider, and they charge a fee separate from ours as well.
Our app is usable for any type of situation; whether you've just woke up, at work, or on vacation, all you have to do is set yourself to available, pick up the phone, get compensated and then payout your money to your bank account! Simplicity at its best.
Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects graphic designers with client through charged phone communications.