Esta aplicación finalizó su servicio el 31 de octubre de 2019.
  • Freelance Jobs
  • Geography Majors

I Want to Know How to Get Freelance Jobs for Geography Majors

Do you have lots of free time on your hands, or maybe you want to make money a bit more flexibly? Many geography majors are in the same situation as you. Have a look at what we think is the best solution!

Need some extra money? For geography majors, working freelance jobs is probably the most efficient way. Try working an online job using Callmart! Set a fee per minute for your services and make money instantly with a phone call.

For an extra income, freelance jobs are a good option for a geography major. Use Callmart for this! Sell your knowledge.

SELLERGeography Major
  • Freelance Jobs
  • Geography Majors

I Want to Know How to Get Freelance Jobs for Geography Majors


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First ...

A Freelance Platform!

Find freelance jobs perfect for geography majors like yourself, and start working! Work when you want, wherever you want with Callmart. Create a listing on Callmart for your services/advice, set your fee per minute, and share!

Callmart is an app that you download to your phone. Everything is handled on the app itself. Once you download the app, you can create your service listing, decide how much to charge, and link your bank account for withdrawals of the money you make!

Callmart’s marketplace is a built-in feature that has a global reach. As long as your listing is “Public”, Callmart will automatically publish your listing on the marketplace for Callmart’s users to find!

Second ...

Geography Majors: Sell Your Skills

Geography majors, let's create a Callmart listing to start making money with your new freelance job! It just takes minutes to create! Your listing will be shared on the Callmart marketplace, and you can personally share it too!

You'll have to add a title and description for your listing. Make sure to make your title clear and precise! As for your description, the easier it is to understand exactly what services you're offering the more buyers you'll get.

Are you worried about not getting buyers for your services? Callmart makes advertising your listings easy. When you make a listing, Callmart makes a unique URL for each one. Just share that URL somewhere where it will get lots of exposure!


Make Money Freelancing!

You've advised your caller over the phone and just hung up. Receive your payment in your Callmart account immediately and automatically after your call.

Once you've gotten your earnings, you'll probably want to spend them. Apply for a payout from within the Callmart app, and then we'll automatically transfer your earnings to your Callmart account!

Callmart asks for a 3% service fee from both buyer and seller for our app to keep running. In addition, third-party Stripe will ask for a small fee as well for their secure handling of your hard-earned money.

Are you ready to start freelancing?

We hope this article was useful for you! Callmart matches geography majors with anyone through fee-charging communication. Now, are you ready to start finding freelance jobs with Callmart? Download it for free right now!

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