Do you find yourself with some extra time that you wish you could use productively? You're not the only biology graduate with that problem. Let's have a look at a great way to spend your extra time productively, and make some extra money!
Need some extra money? For biology graduates, working flexible jobs is probably the most efficient way. Download Callmart to try working an online job! We all have a service or knowledge to sell, so do it via phone call!
Looking to try working a flexible job now that you've graduated? A great way to get started is Callmart. Sell whatever knowledge you'd like, whenever you'd like!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Flexible jobs for biology graduates aren't hard to find - just use Callmart! Try making a listing on Callmart for any knowledge and/or skills you possess, whether it's related to your biology degree or not! Set your own fee per minute, and share.
You only need a phone to use Callmart! To make money, add your bank information and create a listing after downloading the app. You can decide how much to charge for your services.
You can monetize your free time, whether at home, at work or during your commute. Callmart lets you make money with endless possibilities.
For biology graduates, creating a Callmart listing for working a flexible job is simple. First, you'll need to fill out the information needed about your services, so buyers know what they're calling for. Share your listing for maximum exposure.
If you're worried about your services not getting exposure, don't be! Since Callmart gives you the freedom to write your own listing titles and descriptions, use them as an opportunity to sell your services.
Callmart sellers can share their services using Callmart's unique URLs for every listing. Simply send your unique listing URL to whoever you want!
No need to wait! So you've finished sharing your knowledge. Next, watch as the payment comes in to your Callmart account immediately and automatically!
After your first phone calls, get excited to withdraw your money! Request a payout directly on the app. Callmart will automatically send your money to your bank account.
Callmart's services are kept running by a 3% service fee from you and your buyer. Also, third-party transaction service Stripe also takes a small percentage.
We hope this article was useful for you! Callmart matches biology graduates with anyone through fee-charging communication. Now, are you ready to start finding flexible jobs with Callmart? Download it for free right now!