Do you have lots of free time on your hands, or maybe you want to make money a bit more flexibly? Many retired nurses are in the same situation as you. Have a look at what we think is the best solution!
Don't worry - it's easy for retired nurses to make extra money by working jobs at home! Download Callmart to try working an online job! Share your knowledge, whatever it might be, over the phone and make some extra cash!
Work a job at home with Callmart during your free time. You may have retired, but the world still needs your wisdom!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Retired nurses can easily work jobs at home in a hassle-free and straightforward way, with just an app. With Callmart you can create a listing for people who want your services to call, set your price, and share it!
Using Callmart's not complicated at all! All you need is a phone. Just download the app, and share making money using your knowledge!
Make good use of free time. Callmart lets you to set your listings to either Available or Unavailable. When you unexpectedly become free, you can immediately set your listing to Available to get to work. Likewise, if you find yourself unexpectedly busy, just set your listing to Unavailable.
Retired nurses, let's create a Callmart listing to start making money with your new job at home! Fill out the required information to create a listing such as the title, description, and photos. Ta-da! Your listing has been created. Use Callmart's many sharing functions and options to share your listing!
When you make a listing on Callmart, you'll get to create your own title and description! Use this as an opportunity to really sell your service.
Callmart allows you to share your listing on website, on social media platforms or on social media communication tools. Be in charge of with whom and how you want to be connected through the app. Callmart creates a unique URL for your listing, and allows you to set it as private, if that’s what you prefer.
Once your call is over, Callmart will immediately and automatically send the payment to your Callmart account!
Want to spend your hard-earned Callmart earnings? Callmart makes it simple to do that. Simply request a payout on the app, and wait for your money to be transferred to your bank account!
Callmart needs a 3% service fee to keep running. In addition, third-party transaction system Stripe will take small fee as well.
We hope this article was useful for you! Callmart matches retired nurses with anyonethrough fee-charging communication. Now, are you ready to start finding jobs at home with Callmart? Download it for free right now!