Do you have lots of free time on your hands, or maybe you want to make money a bit more flexibly? Many college graduates are in the same situation as you. Have a look at what we think is the best solution!
Making extra money for college graduates isn't hard with jobs at home. Download Callmart to try working an online job! We all have a service or knowledge to sell, so do it via phone call!
Just graduated and unsure what to do? Why not try working a job at home using Callmart? Share that freshly-acquired knowledge and get paid for it, whenever's convenient for you!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
College graduates can try out working jobs at home by using Callmart, the mobile application! There's definitely someone out there who would pay good money for a chance to pick your brain! Create a listing for your services.
As long as you own a phone, you can begin make money with Callmart! Just download the app, make your listings, and begin!
Keep your productivity up. Callmart makes it easy for you to set your listings to become Available or Unavailable. When you find yourself unexpectedly free, you can set your listing to Available. Likewise, if you become unexpectedly busy, just set your listing to Unavailable.
For college graduates, creating a Callmart listing for working job at home is simple. Finish creating your listing in a couple of minutes! Just input the information Callmart needs to fully understand what your service is. Sharing is important! Get more callers/buyers by sharing.
Creating a listing requires you to come up with a title and description for your listing. Make sure to really sell your services in these parts!
Sharing your Callmart listing is easy with your unique URL! Just copy and paste it wherever you want, or to whomever you want.
Payment is immediately and automatically sent to your Callmart account after you or your caller hangs up.
Your caller is charged as soon as your call is over. Now, how do you get those earnings? Request a payout from the app, and Callmart will automatically transfer your earnings into your bank account.
Our services are ran on a small, 3% service fee taken from both the buyer and yourself. For your secure transactions, third-party Stripe will also take a small percentage.
We hope this article was useful for you! Callmart matches college graduates with anyone through fee-charging communication. Now, are you ready to start finding jobs at home with Callmart? Download it for free right now!