Callmart is a free and convenient mobile application for selling knowledge and services via phone call. All you need to do is create a listing for your knowledge and/or services, then share it so people can start calling you!
Callmart is useful for anyone. A professional who does consultations with clients? Create a listing for your clients and charge them easily with Callmart. A freelancer? List your services, then wait for the thousands of people browsing the marketplace to call!
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Personal trainers are the experts on health and fitness. Millions of people around the world are waiting for your expertise! Create a listing on Callmart for your services, and share!
You'll want to set your own fees for your services, of course. When creating a listing with Callmart, you're free to choose however much you'd like to charge for your services per minute!
A listing title and description are required when creating a Callmart listing, so get creative with it! It's your chance to really sell your services to potential buyers.
Personal trainers can easily share their listings to existing clients, or potential new ones! Just use the unique URL Callmart generates for your listings.
Using Callmart to make specific listings for specific buyers? Callmart creates unique URLs for every listing that you can share with the targeted buyer. If the listing is set to private, only they can see and call it!
You can also publish your listing on Callmart's global marketplace just by setting your listing to public. Or, share it to your social media profiles using Callmart's share function.
As soon as you finish speaking with your client, the payment will immediately and automatically enter your Callmart account. No waiting required!
Callmart will need a small, 3% fee to keep our services going. Also, to keep your transactions secure, third-party system Stripe will also take a small fee.
Your call is over and your buyer has been charged; that means this money has been transfered to your account! You can payout this money to your bank account whenever you'd like.
We hope this article about Callmart was useful! Callmart matches personal trainers with clients through fee-charging communication. Now are you ready to make money with Callmart? Download it for free right now!