Questa applicazione ha terminato il suo servizio il 31 ottobre 2019.
  • Make Money
  • Tennis players

Make Money online as Tennis players using smartphones.

Callmart is the best app among all other money making apps.

With this app, any tennis player can teach you tennis over the phone.

SELLERTennis player
  • Make Money
  • Tennis players

Make Money online as Tennis players using smartphones.


Make money now! Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!

Free Download

Step 1

Create a listing.

Download Callmart to comfort players who need your help. Your expertise in tennis is certainly useful to players whilst you can make money at the same time. Using Callmart means you can make money by helping people out whenever you are free.

Create your listing and set a price for your minute call. It's this simple but certainly it will make your life so much easier.

Make sure to add a simple title with a unique description so you can attract your potential clients.

Step 2

Share your listing.

Now that you have your listings set up, it's time to share your URL! You can obtain both public and private URL so that you can send the link to a specific buyer.

Share your private URL through direct message or you can also share through the app itself. You can create your private listings and send the URL which means that you can select the person who can call you.

Utilise your social media by pasting your Callmart URL so that your followers can see your Callmart page immediately.

Step 3

Earn Money.

Since Callmart charges the buyer by the minute, the buyers only have to pay for the time they spent on talking. The money will then automatically go to your balance which you can withdraw anytime anywhere.

Both the seller and the buyer have to pay a 3% charge for using Callmart and a small fee for having a Stripe account. All these little fees make it possible to run such a great business.

Once you made money on Callmart, click payout and you'll receive the money.

What did you think?

Callmart matches tennis players with players through fee-charging online communications. Your journey to become a millionaire starts today. Install Callmart on your device now!

Free Download