Python programmers are sought after by many companies because of their proficiency with a globally recognized programming language. Your experience with Python can earn you money through your very own online job; all during your free time.
Callmart is a free, useful and extremely user-friendly app that provides python programmers with the tools to make money online by using their smartphone.
By downloading the app, any type of python programmer can create listings for services they want to provide online by publishing it to the Callmart marketplace, or sharing it with anyone they wish!
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
As soon as Callmart is downloaded on your smartphone, make a Callmart listing. The contents of what you want to sell is up to you - for example, industry knowledge for aspiring Python programmers, or helping anyone online with any programming related issues. You're pretty much starting an online job!
The description for your listing should be short but exciting to read, and the image(s) you choose to go along with your listing should accurately reflect what your service is about. Focus on these points and your listing will receive more views, which means more potential for money and business for you!
Make sure to set a reasonable price for your listing. As all listings are charged by the minute, base your price on factors like the level of your knowledge, availability, and look at it from the buyer's perspective too. You can always edit the price at any time you wish, so experiment with it!
Python programmers can use the app's sharing option to save heaps of time on promotion. This feature provides you with a unique URL to your listing that can be shared on popular sites online like LinkedIn and Facebook within the span of a few seconds! In addition to posting your listing's URL on the sites mentioned, we also recommend you paste this link on your company's site - this will make it easier for your clients to buy your listing whenever they want.
Using Callmart will open doors to the whole world for you. Available in 6 languages and supporting transactions for over 135 currencies, you'll be able to make money from sharing knowledge with people on the opposite side of the world!
The great thing about Callmart is that you get paid instantly after a call has ended with a buyer of your listing. All calls on the app are automatically charged in 1 minute increments, so all the risk and inconvenience of payments are eliminated.
You can look at Callmart's marketplace as a platform to create an online job for yourself to earn money through knowledge exchange. Python Programmers should immerse themselves in the diverse marketplace by setting their listing to public mode. A listing can always be switched to private mode if your listing is meant for a specific person!
To improve our app and keep it running, we charge a 3% service fee for every call on the app. We use Stripe as our third-party online payment processing provider, and they also charge a small fee per transaction.
Be your own boss with Callmart. You work only when you can or when you want. If you find yourself idling at home, at work or on a train, you can get to work to earn extra money.
Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects python programmers with client through charged phone communications.