Questa applicazione ha terminato il suo servizio il 31 ottobre 2019.

Influential YouTubersHandpicked by the Callmart editorial desk

YouTube alone is a brilliant platform, but it wouldn't be the same without AleX MoSS. We love what AleX MoSS is creating on YouTube and think this content deserves recognition.



Total Views10,876,967

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Channel Description

Привет, меня зовут Alex и я снимаю разные видосы на интересные темы: ★Интересные факты и ТОПы обо всём! ★Лайфхаки, эксперименты, самоделки и DIY ★Всё про авто: обзоры, тест драйвы, лайфхаки, отзывы, слабые места, эксплуатация, обслуживание, диагностика, ремонт своими руками, покупка и продажа, всё про ГБО и многое другое! ★Обзоры и покупка разных товаров c Aliexpress ★А также много другой интересной и полезной информации для жизни! ✔Видео выходят 1-2 раза в неделю. ✔Подписывайся на мой канал, смотри видосы, отдыхай и узнавай много нового и интересного! ✔Спасибо за то, что ты подписался на мой канал и оцениваешь мои видео лайками или дизлайками - для меня это важно!!! ✪Если хочешь помочь КАНАЛУ, то можешь перевести столько - сколько посчитаешь нужным на удобный для тебя электронный кошелёк: - WebMoney► Z041734920100 (доллары), R649944976894 (рубли), U721892325928 (гривны) - PayPal ► - Яндекс Кошелек ► 410014600049358

From the YouTube channel’s "about" page.

Comments by Callmart:

・AleX MoSS makes each video a work of art, so we can really see all the time and effort that goes into the production of each video.

・YouTube is lucky to have creators like AleX MoSS that can connect with audiences around the world.

Callmart's Color Choice

The color that our editorial team chose for
AleX MoSS is... Mountain Meadow

Mountain Meadow is a Green color,
which means this YouTuber is...Kind

Recommended Videos

Selected by the Callmart editorial department
Created by AleX MoSS

A New Way to Communicate with YouTubers


Up until now, subscribers were limited to interacting with YouTubers via comments and messaging.

Subscribers are willing to pay money to communicate with YouTubers, but there haven't been any viable ways for them to do so.

Don't you wish there were ways
to directly communicate with your favorite YouTubers?

Fortunately, there's a new and
exciting way to communicate
with YouTubers..

There's a high demand for a platform to communicate with YouTubers on a 1:1 basis, and we'll be introducing exactly that -- an app to connect with your favorite YouTubers!

Introducing a brand-new app to
speak to YouTubers
with a phone call

Can sell: 22 Countries
Can buy: 155 Countries

From conversations with your followers to consultations with your clients, Callmart enables you to make money by connecting online with people worldwide.

Callmart with AleX MoSS

Life with Callmart

A day in the life of a Callmart user:


Wants to use free time to make extra money.


Wants to speak to someone from home.

I want to offer my services and/or knowledge to people all over the world!
Create a listing
Share on social media
I want to speak to people who offer the services I'm looking for!
Access services at your own convenience
Take calls when YOU want
Provide a service Receive a service
Pay by credit card
Manage earnings in-app
Transfer earnings to your bank account
Whenever I need a service, I turn to this app!
I was able to turn all my free time into making money conveniently!

3 month $0 campaign

Download now to get
the service fee
waived for three months!
That’s right,
the service fee will be
$0.00 for three months.

Don’t miss this chance!

How to use Callmart

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