Questa applicazione ha terminato il suo servizio il 31 ottobre 2019.
  • Jobs at Home
  • Programmers

The New Way to get Jobs at Home for Programmers (with your phone)

Programmers have a ton of technical knowledge, but often don't know how to utilize it outside of work hours. If you're interested in using your technical knowledge to make money with your own job at home, read on.

Callmart is a free smartphone app that makes it possible for programmers to get rich from home through communication by phone with people rom all across the globe.

Callmart is designed for any programmer that wants to make the most out of their time at home by having fun and profiting from it.

  • Jobs at Home
  • Programmers

The New Way to get Jobs at Home for Programmers (with your phone)


Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!

Free Download

Step 1

Stay home, use Callmart.

Create a listing on Callmart as soon as you have the app downloaded on your smartphone. Your listing can be for any purpose; e.g. job advice for programmers at home, or a way for any client to communicate with you about work-related matters. This will be the start of a flexible job at home for you.

Extra care should be taken into making the description, photo, and title for your listing as insightful as possible. Your title shouldn't be a simple phrase about your job occupation; it should be about you as a person! Also, try your best to keep your description short in length but as informative and easy to comprehend as possible. This will boost the calls you'll get from interested buyers!

While creating your listing, don't be too conscious of the price per minute - you can always change the price after creating your listing, so gauge how many people contact you first, and then modify your price based on that. IF you're unsure with what price to start, pick from one of the suggestions displayed on the price menu.

Step 2

Benefits for Programmers

The app's share URL feature is a huge timesaver. This will generate a shareable URL independent to each of your listings, and it takes just a few seconds to do at home. Since you're a programmer, you should post this on sites that your clients use, as well as professional platforms like LinkedIn.

With Callmart, It's now possible for you to offer your services to people living halfway across the globe. Our app is available in 6 commonly spoken languages, and supports transactions for 135 currencies worldwide!

Compensation is automatically charged in 1 minute intervals, meaning that you get paid for your services as soon as your call has ended! You'll be able to collect fees from anywhere and everywhere, without having to worry about outstanding payments from others!

Step 3

Your Ideal Job at Home.

Callmart is a global app, meaning that programmers can create their very own job at home that involves talking on the phone with people from all around the world. Callmart's marketplace offers a plethora of opportunities to earn money for anyone!

3% of each transaction is all that Callmart charges to continue our services, make improvements and create an overall better experience for everyone. Stripe is a highly secure third party payment processing provider that we use, and they charge a small fee for your transactions as well.

Even a single minute of your free time can be turned into a money making opportunity. All you've got to do is pick up a call on the app, get paid, then transfer your earnings to your bank account!

Ready to begin?

Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects programmers with client through charged phone communications.

Free Download