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3 Ways to Get Views Using Your Cat Channel

It's pretty much a given that cat channel YouTubers want to know how to get views. If what you want is to get views, then you probably need to experiment with using the right tools to benefit your channel.

Cat channels are especially difficult to grow, since there's so much competition. Taking on a cat channel means that you understand all the bumps that can occur along the way to success on YouTube.

This article will help cat channel YouTubers to grow their channels and be like famous YouTube channel "Ginger Kitties Four"!

Why should you take the time to look at these tips? Because it will be good for your cat channel since we've gathered only top-recommended tips, and each tip is sourced from the methods used by successful YouTubers.

1. The First Way: Collaboration

Getting more views is easy if you collaborate with other YouTubers sometimes. That's because collaborations expose your channel to an entirely new audience. In fact, YouTube lists collaborations as one of the top ways to become discovered on the platform, so it's pretty important to incorporate a collab or two into your regular content from time to time.

  • There are many ways to pull off an epic collaboration, but let's check out some tried and true tips first to make sure you understand the basics that all YouTubers should follow when collaborating. First, you should try to collaborate with channels of a similar size who are uploading content similar in quality to your own.
  • To make sure your collab is a success, try to communicate as much as possible about the type of video you both want to make, when you will release the collaboration to viewers, and how you will promote each other's channels.
  • If you want more tips for how to put together insanely succesful collabs, check out the YouTube Creators Academy lesson on collaborations. The lesson teaches you everything from how to choose compatible collaborators to the importance of cross-promotion.

To learn more about this important topic, click here!

2. The Second Way: Video Captions

We recommend adding captions to your videos if you want to get more views. Why? Because captions open up your channel to a whole new audience. Did you know about two-thirds of a channel’s views come from outside the creator’s home country? So it's helpful to have language options built into your videos.

  • So let's talk about how to make captions for YouTube. And thanks to YouTube's auto-generating function, it's easier than you may think!
  • Select "Subtitles and CC" from the Edit menu on your Video Manager page. From here you can correct any lines of auto-generated text. Since the auto-generator is getting more and more accurate, this shouldn't take much time at all.
  • YouTube has a wonderful video about how to expand your reach globally using translation tools. Check it out below to learn more. They make an excellent point that an easy-to-understand video is also easy to share!

Let's learn more about this topic here!

3. The Third Way: Callmart

To get more views on YouTube, it requires you to have some tools at your disposal such as charged communication app Callmart. Charged communication means you earn money simply by talking to buyers on the app. You choose the conversation topic! While earning money, you can also achieve viewer outreach. Read below to learn how!

  • Callmart charges viewers to chat with you at a fee that you decide. Your viewers will be so excited to connect with you directly like this!
  • An additional benefit of Callmart is that YouTubers can use the app to promote their channels. Most YouTubers do this by asking callers to recommend their channel on social media. Just be sure to ask for the recommendation at the end of every phone call!
  • For three months fee-free, download Callmart today! This is your chance to keep more of what you earn while you make new connections with viewers.

4. What did you think?

Every method in this article is tried and true, so hopefully your cat channel will get more and more views!

For more information on how to grow your channel, check out the articles below!

We hope to see you on the next "Best YouTubers" list!


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