This application ended its service on October 31st, 2019.
  • Make Money
  • Songwriters

Make Money online as Songwriters using smartphones.

If you think your knowledge or experience worth nothing, it's wrong. You can utilise them to make money simply by downloading Callmart on your device.

With this app, any songwriter can help you with music over the phone.

  • Make Money
  • Songwriters

Make Money online as Songwriters using smartphones.


Make money now! Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!

Free Download

Step 1

Create a listing.

Take advantage of Callmart to guide clients who are in need. Your expertise in songwriting is definitely valuable to clients whilst you can make money simultaneously. Using Callmart, you can make money while you solve their problems using your free time.

Once your create your listings, you will then set a price for each 1 minute call. For example, if you set a price as $5 per minute and talk for 10 minutes, you will receive $50 within 10 min. See how this works?

When you are done creating your listings, make a title and put a description underneath. Make your description unique so that your profile stand out from the rest of sellers.

Step 2

Share your listing.

Callmart provides you the unique URL which you can share on any website.

Share your private URL by sending directly to the person so that only they can call you. This is useful especially if you do not want everyone to call you.

If you wish to receive more calls, try sharing your unique URL on your social media so that anyone who sees the link have access to your Callmart page.

Step 3

Earn Money.

Callmart is extremely useful because it pays you immediately after successful calls. Have you ever experienced the anger where you have worked but you do not receive the money? No such experience with Callmart.

Both parties have to pay a service charge of 3% as well as the Stripe account fee. All these little fees are the ones that keep the greatest service running.

On Callmart, you can withdraw money anytime anywhere simply by tapping the payout button. Just wait for a while and Callmart will transfer the money.

What did you think?

Callmart matches songwriters with client s which is beneficial for both parties. Are you interested? Get Callmart on your device now. See you on Callmart!

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