This application ended its service on October 31st, 2019.
  • Flexible Jobs
  • C Programmers

A Short Guide to get Flexible Jobs for C Programmers (with Callmart)

If you clicked on this article, perhaps you're among one of the many C programmers in the world that are seeking ways to make extra cash outside of work. We'll be introducing to you a way to make money with a flexible job of your own, and all it requires is your free time!

Callmart is a free to download app that enables c programmers to make money flexibly by communicating with people from all around the world on your phone. All you need to get started is to create a listing and share it with the rest of the world!

Using Callmart is easy for any c programmer who is eager to make the best use of their free time by making money in an efficient and creative way while having flexibility.

SELLERC Programmer
  • Flexible Jobs
  • C Programmers

A Short Guide to get Flexible Jobs for C Programmers (with Callmart)


Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!

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Step 1

A Flexible Life with Callmart.

First off, create a Callmart listing for your flexible job. What you want to sell is of course entirely up to you (so long as it's not against our terms of use). For instance, you could give advice to aspiring C programmers, or your listing could be for existing clients to contact you whenever you're free.

Take your time when writing a title and description to fit your listing. A good title will always catch the attention of a person browsing the marketplace, and a brief description that's easy to understand wil help potential buyers of your listing to make the decision to call you.

Any person that contacts you via Callmart will pay a price per minute, determined by you. When creating your Callmart listing, you can adjust the price per minute by either using the custom option, or choosing one of the existing price suggestions on the drop-down menu for price. You'll always be able to adjust your price whenever, so don't worry about taking too much time on this.

Step 2

Merits for C Programmers

C programmer can let any client know about their listing with Callmart's share listing option. Clicking 'share' after creating a listing will display a URL that is unique to every listing you create - sharing this URL can significantly save you time on marketing. Promote your listing on sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as your company's site to really make your listing flexible to anyone!

Callmart is available in 6 languages for now - English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. It can handle transactions in 135 currencies in the world. With its built-in global marketplace, it truly makes it easy for you to share your knowledge with the whole wide world while learning new things about yourself and the rest of the world.

After a call between you and a buyer has ended on the app, you'll get paid immediately for the minutes you spoke. Callmart has an automatic charge system in place for every minute of a call, so you don't have to worry about doing any work to receive your hard-earned money.

Step 3

First-Class Flexibility

The app is the most creative flexible job to earn money on your own. C Programmers can communicate with people from different backgrounds and countries by publishing their listing on the marketplace - a truly unique experience! Making your listing private, on the other hand, is useful if you want to limit your listing to people you know personally.

We charge a 3% service fee for every transaction on Callmart; this amount goes into further developing our app and making it as best as possible for our users. Additionally, Stripe, Inc., the third-party online payment processing provider that we use for this app, charges a separate fee.

Callmart is extremely versatile and can be used for possible situation, regardless of an extremely busy schedule. A few minutes is all it takes to make money! Once you've earned some money on the app, request a payout to your designated bank account and you're all done.

Ready to begin?

Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects c programmers with client through charged phone communications.

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