Want to use your talents as a Greek speaker to make some supplementary cash? Here's an easy way to do just that!
Greek speakers can easily earn a side income by working freelance jobs. Work an online job with Callmart, the charged call app! Make money by charging a fee for sharing your services and/or knowledge with just a voice call.
Speaking a different language is a rarer skill than you may know. It's also heavily in demand, so try working a freelance job with Callmart! Make money whenever you want, however you want.
Want to see Callmart in action? We've created an easy-to-understand Callmart simulation video. Have a look!
Use Callmart to sell your special knowledge and expertise to people from all over the world who need it. Callmart's the best way for Greek speakers to work freelance jobs, guaranteed. With Callmart you can work anytime, anywhere, easily!
Unlike other online platforms, you can make money easily with just the Callmart app. Control everything on the app, including sharing your listings, getting your earnings to your bank, etc.
Keep your listing set to “Public” on Callmart’s app, and your listing will have a global exposure on the built-in marketplace. This is done automatically by the app. Callmart users can then find you and give you a call!
Greek speakers, ready to start working your Callmart freelance job? In only minutes you'll be able to create and publish a listing for your services. Then, share your listing to the whole world!
Callmart gives you the chance to show off your services to the world with an eye-catching title and description. Get creative with them for more buyers!
Share your listing to whomever you want, however, you want! Callmart lets you share your listing on any website or social media using the unique URL each listing has.
You don't have to do anything when the call ends. Once your call is over, Callmart automatically and immediately sends the payment to your Callmart account.
Feel free to cash out your Callmart earnings and move the money to your bank account anytime.
A 3% Callmart fee is needed from you and your buyer, to continue providing our services. Third-party Stripe also takes a small percentage in exchange for its secure transactions.
We hope this article was useful for you! Callmart matches Greek speakers with anyone through fee-charging communication. Now, are you ready to start finding freelance jobs with Callmart? Download it for free right now!