Most math majors have lectures and can't prioritize making money just yet. Although you're learning new things every day on your path to your dream career, university life also makes it so that your schedule is irregular and you have classes spread throughout the day. What if you could use the knowledge you've gained from university to make money with a job at home?
Callmart is a free, useful and extremely user-friendly app that provides math majors with the tools to make money from home by using their smartphone.
By downloading the app, any type of math major can create listings for services they want to provide from home by publishing it to the Callmart marketplace, or sharing it with anyone they wish!
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
Once you have Callmart downloaded on your phone, create a listing. For instance, it could be to give answers on a particularly difficult problem in class, or tips for students at home who want to become math majors like you. Think outside the box. Treat your listing for what it is - a job at home!
Producing a captivating title and short but sweet description for your listing is what you should aim for - this will be very effective in getting a user to make the decision to contact you. The photo(s) you choose to accompany your listing should be relevant to what you're trying to sell, and clear (i.e. unpixelated) if possible.
Depending on your situation and your buyer, you can customize fee per minute to match any situation. Whatever fee you decide to charge for your listing is not final and can always be adjusted after you create your listing, so test it out as much as possible to come up with the best fee for both you and your buyers!
Math majors can advertise their listing at home by using the app's sharing options. This option will reveal a special URL for your listing that you can post anywhere on the Internet - for best results, we suggest sites like Craigslist.
With Callmart, It's now possible for you to offer your services to people living halfway across the globe. Our app is available in 6 commonly spoken languages, and supports transactions for 135 currencies worldwide!
All calls made via the app automatically charge buyers for each and every single minute of the total duration, meaning that you get your money on the app as soon as your call has ended with a buyer. Super convenient and hassle-free with no payment issues!
The kind of job at home you'll create for yourself on Callmart is special. Math Majors have a marketplace platform on which to connnect with individuals from all around the world and create value in the process. (Hint: if you prefer your listing to be private, simply edit your listing to do so instantly.)
We're constantly developing the app and making imporvements, and as such we charge a 3% service fee for every call made through the app. Stripe is the third party payment processing provider that we use, and they charge a small fee for your calls too.
You can use the app whenever, anywhere and everywhere you wish. Whether you're on your lunch break, commuting, or at home, you can make money even if you have just a minute! Once you've made money on the app, simply pay out your earnings to your bank account.
Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects math majors with anyone through charged phone communications.