Do you happen to be a network engineer having financial troubles, and looking for ways to make money with an online job without sacrificing your current job or routine? This is actually not an uncommon issue in your industry and luckily for you, we've got a solution that will only require the skills and knowledge you already possess
Callmart is a marketplace for communication that enables network engineers to earn money by sharing their knowledge and skills with people from all around the world. Start your journey to make money online today!
The app is perfect for every network engineer who wants to capitlize on money-making opportunities online. To get started, download Callmart!
Want to learn what Callmart is like? Watch our short and simple video to see what you can expect from using the app!
Create a listing on Callmart to start. You can be as creative as you want in terms of the contents of your listing - for example, providing industry advice on how to become a network engineer, or a line of communication for your clients to contact you online whenever your schedule allows. Each listing you create will be a catalyst to your own online job!
In order to boost the chances of people reaching out to you from the marketplace, focus on keeping both your title and description to a minimum length while having sufficient information for anyone to comprehend within a minute or two of reading. Also, the quality of your photo should be as good as possible - this can be the deciding factor for people to click your listing over another seller!
If you're uncertain about what price per minute is best for your listing, choose from one of the prearranged prices on the price section of your listing creation page. If you already know what the best price is for your listing, just create a custom price of your own. As long as it's a reasonable price for your knowledge, people will always be willing to pay for it!
We understand that network engineers don't have too much time off work, so use Callmart's share listing tool to save a lot of time. This tool generate a shareable URL for every listing you create, that can be posted anywhere online in a matter of seconds. We highly recommend you use this to share your listing on professional sites like LinkedIn, as well as your personal page on your company's site to make it easier for your clients to find your listing.
Callmart can be used by almost anyone - our app is currently available in English, Japanese, Korean. German, Spanish and French. In addition, we support transactions for 135 currencies in the world. making it extremely convenient for everyone to buy and sell!
A call made on Callmart will always be automatically charged in one minute increments - this means that you get paid as soon as your call has finished with your buyer! Now you can transact online without having to worry about payment troubles!
Callmart hosts people from all around the world. It's pretty much an online job for network engineers to make money in their own time while building connections with people everywhere. Toggle your listing between public and private depending on your situation!
To continue to improve the overall experience and add new and exciting features, Callmart only charges a 3% fee for every call. We use Stripe as our 3rd party online payment processing provider, that charges a separate fee.
You'll be able to use Callmart in any situation you find yourself in. Got a few minutes to spare before a meeting? Use Callmart. Waiting for the train? Use our app. Money making opportunities are always there if you try hard enough!
Callmart is a global C2C marketplace app that connects network engineers with client through charged phone communications.