YouTubers in particular have a tough job. You're trying to balance your creativity with bringing in earnings_. We know this can take a toll on your sense of creativity, but monetization doesn't always have to be so demanding.
We'll introduce you to an app that understands the monetization struggle and wants to make it enjoyable to earn money online.
The Callmart app has a simple concept: charge buyers to talk to sellers and gain their knowledge or attention for a price. And while the idea is simple, the uses are far-reaching.
Specifically, this app can be used by YouTubers to earn money from their subscribers in a whole new way.
By chatting with subscribers on Callmart, you'll boost your channel's growth while you earn money as the minutes tick by.
If this sounds good to you, read below to see exactly how Callmart works and why YouTubers especially should have this app on their phones.
To monetize a channel on YouTube, you need to fulfill some pretty strict requirements, and the process takes so much time.
This can be discouraging to smaller YouTube channels that grow at a slower rate. Especially if you're putting everything you have into video making but still can't monetize your channel.
YouTubers love Callmart because they can start earning money on the same day as downloading the app, and they don't need 1,000 subscribers to qualify. In fact, there are no channel requirements to use Callmart.
Simply put, having an online following of any type or size will help you be a successful seller on the app.
Subscribers crave attention from the YouTubers the follow closely, so YouTubers especially have it easy selling their time on Callmart because your current subscribers make excellent Callmart customers.
Turn your subscribers on YouTube into your buyers on Callmart.
It's an easy transition as long as you make click-worthy listings and advertise them as much as possible.
Haven't you ever wished there was a way to get in direct touch with one of your favorite YouTubers? We're sure your subscribers have felt the same way. They'll be so excited to learn about Callmart and have a chance to chat with you personally!
What you earn on Callmart is totally up to you, and the criteria are easy to fulfill. Basically with Callmart, the more you talk, the more you get paid.
You choose the price per minute, ranging from US $0.50 to US $50.00 per minute. And, you can make an unlimited number of listings to suit all kinds of subscribers' tastes!
The criteria to be a buyer on Callmart include:
The way you use Callmart to earn money is in your hands.
We highly recommend informing your entire online following about Callmart and pasting links to your listings wherever you see fit (a good choice is in your YouTube video descriptions).
Forget about all those YouTube and AdSense monetization criteria for awhile and enjoy earning money while you have interesting conversations with your subscribers.
What does a successful listing look like? What should I talk about with subscribers?
These are common questions from new users on Callmart. First, if you want to learn exactly how to make a listing that will entice your subscribers to click and call, then click here to see the full tutorial for making a listing on Callmart.
Next, for listing ideas and inspiration, read the below chapters where we've gathered our top-recommended listing tips and ideas specific to a variety of different YouTube channels.
See a brief overview of quick tips for making click-worthy listings on Callmart below.
1. Use clear photos that accurately represent the subject matter of the phone call.
2. Write short but descriptive titles and descriptions for your listings, and include enough detail so that buyers can easily imagine the content of the phone call.
3. Include your YouTube channel name and/or channel icon photo in the listing so subscribers can easily find you.
Relationship advice is so popular on Callmart that it has its own category on the app! So if you're a YouTuber with a relationship channel then your time is in especially high demand on Callmart.
You have some of the highest earning potential of all users because both ordinary buyers and your own subscribers comprise your group of potential buyers.
This is a large pool of buyers! For this reason we recommend you make listings targeting both your own subscribers and ordinary Callmart users.
See below to learn how to craft these kinds of listings.
The best listings on Callmart give callers a strong idea of the phone call's content so they can imagine what a conversation with you will be like.
It can be challenging to be descriptive but also brief, so see some examples below if you're having trouble brainstorming some ideas. We recommend putting your channel name in either the title or listing description whenever possible, too!
As a beauty YouTuber, you're no stranger to hard work. It takes years of practice to master makeup application. Not to mention the charisma and effort it takes to make a successful beauty channel on YouTube!
Even though it may seem like you're fighting an uphill battle to monetize your YouTube channel, we think you already have what it takes to start earning money right now on Callmart.
You've got a dedicated following and talent to boot. This is a recipe for success on Callmart, so let's take a look at some listing ideas made especially for beauty YouTubers.
Here's our ideas for what you could chat about with your subscribers. Of course, this list is just a launching point. Use these ideas however you want, but remember to squeeze your channel name in there to maximize your visibility on Callmart!
Gaming channels are booming with popularity on YouTube with the likes of Markiplier and PewDiePie launching the genre into the mainstream.
Now more than ever it's important to set yourself apart as a gamer on YouTube since there are thousands of other channels trying to make it big just like you.
Offering fans one-to-one time to get to know you better as a person, not just a YouTuber, will help distinguish you on the platform. It's these kinds of intimate connections that bring real success on YouTube.
Get paid for forming deeper connections with subscribers—it's a pretty sweet deal!
But you need to know how to create click-worthy listings first. We'll show you some examples below to give you an idea of what a gamer's listing looks like; remember to put your channel name in each listing or at least in the description!
It's no simple feat to put together a cohesive, beautiful wardrobe. The same can be said for making a YouTube channel! But you have beat the odds and done both!
Callmart is excited to have creative, hard-working individuals like you on the platform. Since you're a YouTuber, you're in line to be a top earner on the app thanks to the subscribers you've collected over time. You don't need to wait any longer to monetize your channel, instead, earn money from the online influence you already have.
To do this, you'll want to think carefully about the kinds of listings you make.
See our tips below for creating the most successful listings for maximum call time.
Your selling power as a fashion YouTuber is twofold:
Keep these two strengths in mind when you make your Callmart listings. See our examples below to get a solid idea of how these strengths manifest in a Callmart listing.
Fitness YouTubers make a big difference in the lives of subscribers. Weight loss and getting healthy in general are huge journeys and your subscribers have decided to take that journey with you as their guide. This creates a special relationship between you and the viewers of your videos!
This kind of bond between YouTuber and viewers is highly valuable for earning money on Callmart.
To give you the best chance of receiving calls from subscribers, take a look below at some listing suggestions specially crafted for fitness YouTubers!
When you think up your listing ideas for Callmart, remember that your strengths as a fitness YouTuber are your following of subscribers and your knowledge of exercise. You can either combine these strengths into one listing or use them separately. We've given you examples of each method below.
Callmart works to benefit any kind of YouTuber. Whether you're a gamer or a beauty guru, Callmart believes all knowledge is valuable. With your loyal online following, you're already at an advantage to earn money right away with the app.
What's more, Callmart is waiving the fee for the first three months if you're a new user. Download Callmart and start earning!